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Nahia (Faerie Legacy #3) by Patricia Bossano




Nahia, the third in Faerie Legacy series by Bossano, continues the journey of the faery princess Nahia as she struggles to keep the man she thinks is destined for her into the faery realm. The impulsive kidnapping of the newborn Calisto by Nahia brings the wrath of humans and the faerie realm is banned from entering the human world. As an unforeseen danger threatens to destroy the faerie world, Nahia is forced to make a choice between pursuing her own desires or save the faerie realm from its imminent destruction. The narrative shifts suddenly and several unexpected conflicts in the story arise out of blue, causing confusion in the reader’s mind. But Bossano’s elegant prose and skilled writing keep the reader interested in the story. The atmospheric setting with its infusion of Basque culture add intrigue to the story. The lovers of complex fantasy saga will be pleased.



(Faerie Legacy #3)

by Patricia Bossano

Waterbearer Press

Pub date October 9, 2017

ISBN 9780999434611

Price $17.99 (USD)


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