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OPEN – Pierre’s Journey after War by Margareth Stewart


A stunning literary novella…

The book takes an intimate look into the aching soul of Pierre, a kind, empathetic man. After losing his wife and five children to the aerial bombing of France during the Second World War, Pierre takes on the life of a vagabond and wanders around the continents with an ache in his heart and revenge on his mind. On his journey across the globe, he comes across many people, most of whom suffer equally daunting injustice on the hands of fate. After he returns to France as an old man, he comes across Melissa and Patrick and unburdens himself by talking about his acute loss. The story is woven around two powerful emotions: a person’s guilt for his inability to protect his family and a desire for revenge against those responsible. Despite his desire for revenge, Pierre is a gentle soul—a compassionate, empathetic individual. With his heartache and his inability to come out of his grief, Pierre makes you sad, but Stewart refrains from creating an overly laid melodrama. The story of devastating, soul-wrenching psychological experience of losing everything to the war is told in simple, beautiful words.

OPEN – Pierre’s Journey after War

by Margareth Stewart

 Pub Date November 29th 2017


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