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Shock Wave (2 Book Series) by Florian Louisoder


Thrilling, well-crafted, and full of heart, this is a time travel/science fiction done right…

Louisoder takes readers on a rollicking time travel adventure in this intelligent and satisfying blend of classic science fiction and historical reconstruction. The deeply fascinating first book starts with Cuba detonating an atomic bomb in the Caribbean, an event that triggers an ever-worsening series of global disasters, threatening to bring the world apart. Linda Garrett, a nuclear physicist and a single mother, must join hands with her ex-husband Scott DeSantis and travel back to 5000 years in time to her birth place, the city of Atlantis, to save the world from falling apart. In the nerve-wracking second installment, Linda and Scott manage to save the world from the malevolent, deeply twisted villain and Karras of the Atlantian Senate Martin Black’s hands and are back in twenty-first century, but the world has changed: Martin Black is Martin Schwartz now and the undisputed leader of a new world order. To get their old life back, the couple must face the vicious villain once again. Louisoder’s prose is vividly evocative, and his insights into the fears and insecurities that drive his characters are sharp and satisfying. Readers will marvel at Louisoder’s inventiveness as he skillfully explores both the issues of family ties, marriage, and sibling bonds and the connection between advanced technology and climatic catastrophes, weaving pressing ethical questions into an emotionally moving, exhilarating time-travel adventure. The reader will barely pause for breath while reading this thrill ride. This is a must-read for fans of science fiction and time travel.


Shock Wave (2 Book series)

By Florian Louisoder

Starry Night Publishing

Buy now


Shock Wave: Book 1

Price $2.99 (USD) Kindle edition, $19.00 Paperback


Shock Wave 2: The Book of Vallora

Price $2.99 (USD) Kindle edition


1 thought on “Shock Wave (2 Book Series) by Florian Louisoder

  1. Can’t wait to get to the second book! 🙌

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